Environment, Sustainability and Growth
At Gulf Oil India, we believe that we all share a responsibility towards doing our bit for the betterment of the society we are a part of. Inspired and guided by the pioneering thoughts “My dharma (duty) is to work so that I can give” of late Shri Parmanand Deepchand Hinduja, Founder of the Hinduja Group (parent company of Gulf Oil), we as an organisation have undertaken and implemented many social initiatives. These efforts that are not only aimed at creating a better and sustainable future but also strive to make a difference to those around us.
To create sustainable value, our emphasis has been on efficient utilization of natural resources. To ensure that we stay true to this belief, we consider the ecological impact of our business activities consistently. Furthermore, we have shaped our efforts accordingly to maintain the sensitive natural balance of our country’s geology and reduce chemical emissions.
We at Gulf Oil India, inherited the virtue of water stewardship from our esteemed Hinduja Group and continue to maintain and restore water bodies and enhance the water resources and water security of our neighbouring regions. We have committed to restoring three lakes in the vicinity of our Ennore site. We assure proper maintenance and restoration work at these lakes, boosting the region’s visual appeal and creating a better environment for native flora and fauna to thrive and flourish near the lake.
Lake Restoration Projects:
- Lake Thamaraikulam 2.4 km from the factory
- Lake Sathan Kadu 10 km from the factory
- Lake Ariyalur 10.6 km from the factory
Through our Suraksha Bandhan Campaigns, we connected and built our trucker community. In the third edition of Suraksha Bandhan, we set up vaccination camps at over ten transport hubs in Northern and Western India. We successfully carried out the ethos of our brand, which does not only protect the trucks but also the ones driving them, by vaccinating 10,555 truckers in total.
We undertook safety campaigns/rides to promote education and awareness on road safety amongst bike riders. Also, helmets distribution and awareness programmes were conducted in Nagpur in the presence of Hon’ble Minister Shri Diwakar Raote. We pledged to distribute 23,000 safety helmets during the campaign.
Water ATMs for Safe Drinking Water
We supplied safe drinking water to the local community in the Attipatu village through installation of 2 water ATMs. With these water ATMs having a recharge bore to recharge groundwater using backsplash water and rooftop harvesting, we aim to be net water positive.
We imparted vocational skill development training to unskilled mechanics in two-wheeler service industry through the renowned MITCON institute in Pune and TVS at Chennai.
Mechanic Idol
Identifying and felicitating talented and passionate mechanics from across the country and encouraging them by rewarding their efforts.
We provided quality and holistic education to students from underserved communities attending government-funded schools in Tamil Nadu, Odisha, Karnataka, Maharashtra,and Rajasthan.
The pursuit of a more sustainable future is an imperative effort that we take very seriously. We focus on integrating sustainability into every aspect of our business, supported by best-in-class research and the appropriate advisories to keep us ahead of the curve.
Our purpose is to build a more sustainable framework so that both Gulf and the customers we serve can thrive long into the future. We’re committed to building stronger governance and policies that integrate with Gulf’s wider range of stakeholder groups, because when our future prospers, we all do.
We’ve thought hard about how we tackle the challenges faced by the EV industry, which is why our commitment to electrification goes beyond our e-Fluid product development. We took a huge step towards the EV industry in 2021 and invested in Indra Renewables, to prove our commitment to the rapidly growing electric vehicle market.
Our new venture with Indra Renewables promotes market –leading EV and smart energy technology. Indra has designed an innovative electric vehicle Smart Charger and a bi-directional Vehicle to Grid V2G charger, for both residential and light commercial use.
Driven by innovation and packed with intelligence, both chargers provide customers with the cheapest and fastest way to power their electric vehicles.
The successful team was borne out of Indra’s focus on technology and its ultimate goal to support the journey to Net Zero, which we knew aligned perfectly with Gulf’s sustainability pillars and our ambition to transform to low -carbon forms of mobility.
Accelerating even further towards electrification in 2022, we invested in ElectreeFi, a leading eMobility Solutions provider in Delhi, India. ElectreeFi is committed to delivering innovative eMobility solutions for the Indian market and beyond. Its standout solutions include Internet of Things (IoT) charging management monitoring and a clever IoT based battery swapping solution.
We are recognising that our customers all need different things from the mobility industry. ElectreeFi’s method of delivering applications over the Internet via Software as a Service neatly aligns with our ambition to install charging stations across India, with the ability to integrate with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and fleet operators as well.
The idea of sustainability is evolving, and we know that we need to ensure that we are following suit. Together with ElectreeFi, our vision is to create easily accessible, convenient, clean and environmentally friendly mobility solutions for different businesses and end users.
Our sustainability goals
We are committed to driving change that matters and responsibility in shaping a positive future. Our six core aims unpin our approach to sustainability:
Drive down our greenhouse gas emissions
Promote a circular economy
Embrace and help develop low-carbon mobility solutions
Create and maintain a diverse, healthy and equitable workforce
Help improve lives in our communities
Promote strong corporate governance
eFLUID & Biodegradable Lubricants: Moving Forward with Product Innovation
At Gulf, we are transforming our products to facilitate the transition to electric vehicles. Our new eFLUIDS range for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles helps optimise performance, improve fuel economy, reduce CO2 emissions and extend battery life.
We also have biodegradable fluids for agricultural and forestry machinery. They help protect the environment whilst our oil-based insect pest control products leave no toxic residues.
Low-Carbon Mobility Solutions: Embracing the Future of Transportation
The electrification of the transport sector plays a crucial role in achieving low-carbon transport solutions and, ultimately, reducing the sector's contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. We at Gulf have begun our transformation journey by investing in Indra Renewable Technologies Ltd.
Indra is the fast-growing electric vehicle (EV) charging and smart energy technology company developing innovative charging and energy storage solutions for home and commercial use. It is also a pioneer in Vehicle to Grid (V2G) technology, allowing bi-directional charging to the energy grid, which will assist the grid in managing renewable power production and distribution.
Our collaboration with Indra aims to help accelerate motorists' adoption of electric vehicles.