Gulf Oil Marine Has Obtained an NOL from MAN for its CAT II 40BN Cylinder Oil: GulfSea Cylcare XP 5040X
31 Aug 2021

Gulf Oil Marine is pleased to announce that on 27th August 2021, we obtained a No-Objection-Letter (NOL) from MAN Energy Solutions (MAN ES) for our CAT II 40BN cylinder oil: GulfSea Cylcare XP 5040X.
We are extremely proud to be the vanguard in the development of such a high-performance marine lubricant. GulfSea Cylcare XP 5040X is specifically designed to operate effectively through the challenges of low-sulphur fuel operations in marine two-stroke engines. The innovative dispersant technology that it utilizes, combined with the non-alkaline detergents, anti-oxidant and wear protection chemistries have led to performance that would undoubtedly set new standards in lubricant development.
The product has undergone extensive testing in laboratories and in a test engine where it’s subjected to real world operating conditions. And it has clearly proven itself – the MAN NOL bears testimony to its ultimate performance. Gulf Oil Marine is proud that we have been able to leverage on our technical competency to lead the way in developing this high-quality product for the marine market.